1. This tournament is open to OMHA and Alliance registered House /Local League teams. There will be NO body contact in any of the Divisions.
2. All play is to exhibit the best in good sportsmanship and good conduct.
3. Each team shall list a carded coach and trainer on each game sheet.
4. All Divisions Length of Games:
Three ten-minute stop time periods for Novice, Atom, PeeWee, Bantam & Midget.
Floods will be after each game.
5. Points and Ranking:
Points will be awarded as follows: - 3 points for a win in regulation, 2 points for a win in overtime and 1 points for a loss in the overtime period.
A tie after overtime, each team will receive one point. Teams will be ranked by point total at the end of the Round Robin. In the event of teams tied for points the following tie breakers will be used:
1) Winner of Head to Head
2) Goals against
3) Goals for
4) Least penalty minutes (all penalties)
5) Coin toss
Overtime in Round Robin Games: if tied at the end of regulation play teams will play a five minute 3 on 3 sudden victory period.
Overtime in Medal Games: if tied at the end of regulation play teams will play a five minute 3 on 3 sudden victory period. If the score is still tied at the end of the overtime period, each team will select 5 players for a shootout. If the score is still tied at the end of the first five shooters a sudden victory shootout will commence with the remaining eligible players until a goal is scored.
Penalties carry forward into overtime period. In the event of a penalty during overtime the opposing team will add a man to the ice for a 4 on 3. The 4th player will remain on the ice at the end of the penalty for a 4 on 4 until the first stoppage of play at which time a 3 on 3 will resume. Players that are serving a penalty at the end of the overtime period are not eligible to participate in the shootout.
Mercy Rule: In Round Robin Play, a five-goal lead at any time will invoke the Mercy Rule. The clock will be run without stopping once a five-goal lead has been reached. Stop time will resume when the goal differential returns to three. Penalties incurred while the Mercy Rule is in effect will be served as 3 minutes running time. Mercy rule is not applicable in Semi-finals or Medal Games.
6. Advancement to Medal Games:
1st and 2nd place teams play for the Gold; 3rd and 4th place teams play for the Bronze.
Novice Divisions - 1st place teams in Pool A & B play for the Gold and 2nd place teams in Pool A & B play for the Bronze
7. There will be a 3-minute warm up before each game.
8. No time outs in Round Robin Play. In Medal Games, teams are allowed one 30 second time-out per game in regulation time. No time-outs allowed during overtime.
9. All teams are guaranteed three games.
10. ANY MAJOR PENALTY occurring in any period will result in the player being ejected from the current game and a suspension for the next game. Any player who receives a fighting misconduct or a Match Penalty will be suspended for the remainder of the tournament. Any suspensions incurred during the tournament will be served during the tournament. Any carry over will be served during the team’s regular season games.
11. Decisions of the convener or designate are final.
12. All referee calls are final. Please – no teams on the ice without a Referee present.
13. Designated HOME teams shall be responsible for changing sweaters in the event of a sweater similarity.
14. All teams must be ready 15 minutes before game time.