Please note we are a mixed centre and do not offer minor / major divisions, no house / local league or select teams in the Olympics. There is NO fax available for your application, all applications must be mailed in and accompanied by your post dated cheque
2011 Olympic Tournament Application (PDF / Word )
2011 Olympic Tournament Rules (PDF / Word )
2011 Olympic Tournament roster form (PDF / Word)
Contact [email protected]
Tournament Accommodations
ASA is the official accommodation provider of the SDMHA Olympics tournament and teams requiring rooms must contact ASA for accommodations.
Telephone 888-586-5461
Contact Kathy [email protected] or Kayla [email protected]

Please indicate that your team will be using this service and how many rooms you will be booking.
Using this service will guarantee you a quality hotel room at a discounted rate, along with keeping the costs of the tournament down, we highly recommend that your team use this service.
Thank you on behalf of SDMHA