On November 29th, our Peewee AE4 team had the pleasure of donating over 850 pairs of socks to
519-Pursuit who will distribute these new socks to homeless men & women within the 519 area code.
Larry MacDonald Chevrolet Buick GMC generously invited us to present at the dealership and celebrate working together with a pizza party for the kids.
Allison & Amber from 519-Pursuit brought along friend Sandi-Lynn who spoke to the players about what it meant to her that they were willing to help out people that they've never met and care about their well being. Her words were extremely heart warming and I was so glad she came along to speak to the players.
Thank you to Scott Cowen for having us in to present the socks and for the amazing pizza party & drinks for the players and their families! The kids & parents had such a great time!
Special thank you to Keri Hitchcock for telling about this wonderful charity and all her work organizing and setting it up!