Team & Hockey Community,
The Women's Rural Resource Centre (WRRC) in town has posted that their community cupboards are nearly empty at a critical time of the year when many members of our community need the assistance.
On home games this week - Tuesday & Friday - the Strathroy Rockets Peewee AE4 team we will have a box/basket to collect any food items (can even be - vegetables such as Carrots, potatoes, squash or fruits - apples, oranges...) or gift cards anyone is willing to donate. We appreciate everyone pulling together to help out!
Please share with your family & Friends that may be coming to watch games on those days that they can drop off while they are at the arena. We encourage
ALL STRATHROY ROCKETS TEAMS & teams competing against us to join us and work together!!
Caden Morgan & the Morgan family will be our lead!
Hoping to have a basket or box at the front gate for donations.