Sep 19, 2018 | lmailloux | 975 views
Tyke Group #2 Sept 22/18 @ 11:15
If your child is IP age but signed up for
tyke tiering, please come to the tyke skate and not the IP skate.
1. Emma Boucher
2. Karter Bowden
3. Myles Carter
4. Patrick Cipkar
5. Ty Desjardine
6. Alijah Duffy
7. Olivia Furtney
8. Colby Grimes
9. Cruz Henshaw
10. Addison Higgs
11. Riley Jansen
12. Declan Jenken
13. Logan Lewis
14. Stevie Matlock
15. Cohen Mendonca
16. Chad Radtke
17. Jackson Rose
18. Mark Saunders
19. Seth Soares
20. Zachery Sweeney
21. Lane Watson