Nov 22, 2015 | jfergusson | 1503 views
Glencoe Tournament Pee Wee Red Team wins GOLD!!!
Congratulations to Peewee Red on winning Gold at the Glencoe Tournament. They ended strong winning the Gold Medal Game 5-0.
Goal by: Ryan Richardson, Assist by: Ryan Jones and Tyler Ellerington. (1st Period)
Goal by: Michael Branan (2nd Period)
Goal by: Ryan Jones, Assist by: Josh McFee (3rd Period)
Goal by: Liam Hitchen (3rd Period)
Goal by: Josh McFee (3rd Period)
Chase Raymond with the SHUT OUT.
This was a total team effort by the following players:
Liam Orrange, Gavin Vandenberg, Liam Hitchen, Steven Wolf, Tyler Ellerington, Brett Linker, Josh McFee, Michael Branan, Caleb Sawkins, Aidan McQuinn, Ryan Richardson, Sawyer Watson, Taylor Martins, Ryan Jones and Devin Tadgell.