Sep 11, 2013 | Shari Terwilligar | 1543 views
Atom Rep - Final Roster
The following players are to report to the Atom Rep Team. Please see team page for next ice time. Competitive Fee ($150) and Silverstick Fee ($38.50) will be collected at your practice on Sat. Sept. 14th. Please make cheques payable to SDMHA.
Andersson, Parker James |
Brants, Lukas (G) |
Cowan, Easton |
Derbyshire, Clayton |
Dortmans, Rowan |
Hewitt, Mark |
Hodgins, JT |
Kinchen, Jayden |
Parker, Logan |
Peters, Ashton |
Urquhart, Griffen (G) |
Van Heeswyk, Bradley |
Van Heeswyk, Lucas |
White, Dylan |
Williams, Noah |