Feb 27, 2013 | Barb Dean | 811 views
Final Round of Playoffs
Few things:
1.) Our final round of playoffs is scheduled! Our first three games will be as follows:
Sunday March 3rd - 6:30pm in Strathroy @ Gemini
Tuesday March 5th - 6:50pm in Ilderton @ Ilderton Arena
Saturday March 16th - 11am in Strathroy @ Gemini
*Update: Monday March 18th 7pm @Gemini Blue
Gate Schedule: (Arrive one hour prior to game, bring your own float). Close gate at game start.
Sunday March 3rd Game: Richardson
Saturday March 16th Game: Milligan
*Update: Monday March 18th 7pm game: Milligan
2.) Thinking ahead to our Yearend team party, we are thinking of having it on Saturday April 13th. Let me know if this is an issue as we want everyone there!!
3.) Some of the Moms & I are working on a Team album for Novice Grey. It's coming along really well. We will have it professionally printed & bound, size 8"x8", 30ish pages. Approx $40 (could be less - but until I'm done it I won't know for sure). Every player has two pages on just them :) Absolutely optional to get one. More details once we get it done, but just wanted everyone to be aware we are working on it. It's just been such a fun year (and the kids just get along so well) we thought it would be great for the kids to have a physical memory of it! That said, I want to have the best pictures to pick from and I know I'm not the only one taking photos of our team...so if you have some photos you'd like to share, please let me know!
That's it! See you all on Sunday!
(notice that 3 times MOMS!!!) ;)