Time for Playoffs! THIS Saturday!, News, Novice LL Grey, 2012-2013 (Strathroy Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2012-2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 05, 2013 | Barb Dean | 814 views
Time for Playoffs! THIS Saturday!
Hi Team!

We have just heard that we are starting playoffs THIS saturday against Lambeth Lancers 3.  Here are some early details about this round of playoffs.  First game duty is for the Mastermans.  Will post following home gate duty this week so we all know what to expect.  

See below for the information we currently have about playoffs:

THIS Saturday February 9th 12:00pm (noon)
Strathroy - Gemini
Masterman Family have Gate Duty.

Game 2:
Will be the week of February 11th
in Lambeth 
*exact details to follow

Game 3:
Week of February 18th
in Strathroy
*exact Details to follow

Game 4:
Saturday February 23rd - 11am
in Lambeth

Game 5 (If necessary):
Feb 24th or 25th
in Strathroy
*exact Details to follow

This will give everyone a rough idea of how the first round will go!  Once they figure out everything beyond this Saturdays game it will be posted on the schedule.
