Registration includes the registration fee and the volunteer fee that were determined by the SDMHA Executive and communicated at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Late fees and cash calendars are non-refundable. Conditioning skate fees and try-out fees are non-refundable once a player has stepped foot on the ice.
Requests for refunds must be submitted by email to the Registrar, and will be subject to approval by the SDMHA Executive based on the criteria below:
Refunds – U5 – U18
Before October 1 - full registration and volunteer fee, less a $25.00 administration fee
After October 1 - Registration Fee + Volunteer Fee (if hours not completed), less administration fee of $100 (cash calendar not refundable after this date)
November 1 – December 15 - 50% refund of Registration Fee & Volunteer fee (if hours are not completed), cash calendar not refundable.
No refunds will be given after December 15
Exceptions may be granted at the discretion of the SDMHA Executive in the event of, for example, major injury, serious illness, moving, etc. Each request will be reviewed, and a decision rendered on a non-precedential individual basis.