2017 OMHA Novice AE 3-4 West Finalist, Accomplishments, Novice AE, 2016-2017 (Strathroy Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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2017 OMHA Novice AE 3-4 West Finalist

The Strathroy Novice AE Jr. Rockets sponsored by Dale Wurfel / Dodge Caravan Kids wrapped up the 2016-17 season this weekend as OMHA Novice AE 3-4 West Finalists after an impressive final series against the Mt. Brydges Cougars.  The Fifth game of the series was nothing short of entertaining as it was another close game, however the Rockets could not fend off the Cougars as they lost 1-0.  The Coaches, Parents and Fans that have been supporting this team since September could not be more proud of them and what they accomplished this year. 

This group of 7-8 year olds finished with an impressive record of 36 wins, 15 losses and 5 ties this group truly developed both on and off the ice.  Some of the other accomplishments this year:

  • Finished Second overall in the Shamrock League (Record of 13-3-2);

  • Strathroy Rep / AE Olympic Tournament Champions;

  • Collingwood Regional Silver Stick Finalists;

  • Vic Teal Memorial Tournament Novice AE/DD finished Forth;

  • St. Clair Shores International Silver Stick finished Sixth

  • OMHA Novice AE 3-4 West Finalists

Even though we were really disappointed with the loss in the finals, the Coaches Players, and Parents can be confident that a lot of good things can still be taken away from this year.   All these players have developed so much and have one more year of experience that is something that is going to benefit them a lot going into next year.



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