Oct 05, 2015 | sshepley | 1500 views
Tournament Info/Outstanding Forms
Hello Atom White! There are a couple of housekeeping details we need to address this week! Please review the following - if you have any questions or concerns feel free to email me at [email protected].
We have a spot reserved for the RON JOHNSON/GREG PRATT MEMORIAL ‘SLEEP IN’ ATOM LOCAL LEAGUE TOURNAMENT. I need everyone to bring in their Tournament Fees of $55.00 ASAP so we can secure our spot. You can bring to me at Saturday's game or EMT me directly ([email protected] / password: tournament)
Where: Port Stanley
When: Saturday November 7 & Sunday, November 8, 2015
Free lunch for Players and Staff
Blow-Up Mini Stick Rink
Fastest Shot Area
Player of the Game Awards
Medals for Champions and Finalists
Full Food Booth available for families
3 Games Guaranteed (Two Saturday, One Sunday + Playoff's)
If I have not yet received your Offer of Commitment Forms or your Medical forms I need those this THURSDAY!! Our first game is Saturday and all forms MUST be completed before your child goes on the ice! I will be at the arena by the end of practice this Thursday, if I don't see you please leave with Chris and I will grab them from him.
I am working on the gate schedule and should have it ready for Saturday. I will cover Saturday's gate. Please stop by the table for your schedule and team contact list. I am asking for each player to donate $5.00 towards a team float which will be passed on each week with the rotating schedule. You can also bring this to the table before Saturday's game. (The money at the end of the season will go towards our year end party.)