Sep 14, 2015 | Tryout Committee | 2851 views
Bantam AE Tryouts - Updated Sept 14
following players and goalies are to report to the
Bantam AE
Inter-Squad September 16, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m.
Aaron Maslen |
Andrew VanDyk |
Anthony Boyd |
Benjamin Newman |
Braydon Townsend |
Brendan Bice |
Colby Ackworth |
Cole McLeod |
Damen Trethewey |
David Hillis |
Devon Flenniken |
Dylan Versteegden |
Hunter Hilton |
Jacob Knight |
Jeff Dunn |
Joel Candy |
Joshua Vanderlinden |
Kevin Logger |
Lucas Mann |
Marco Jons |
Noah Leudke |
Pryce Vafiades |
Quinton Houston |
Thorston Jons |
Wesleys Walls |
William Ireland |
Zachary Zavitz |
Aaron Glover (G) |
Thomas Thorpe (G) |
Issac Somerville (G) |