Sep 14, 2015 | Tryout Committee | 2026 views
Novice AE Tryouts - Updated Sept 14
following Players and Goalies Report to the
Novice AE Inter-Squad September 16,
2015 @ 5:30 p.m.
Brady Mann |
Cam Rosser |
Charlotte Stewarson |
Cole Jones |
Cole Pranger |
Evan Hathaway |
Fergus Turnbull |
Fraser Waun |
Gregory Branan |
Jack Derbyshire |
Jackson Morris |
Jonathan Minten |
Liam Vanderwal |
Liam Wilson |
Lucas McLinchey |
Lucas Van Geffen |
Mason Vandenberg |
Maxwell Turnbull |
Michael Mailloux |
Michael Richardson |
Michael Verberne |
Noah Avelar |
Owen Van Geffen |
Sydney Mann |
Torrin Deruiter |
Riley Fickling (G) |
Griffen Dean (G) |