Midget Blue Gate Schedule, News, Midget LL Blue, 2014-2015 (Strathroy Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 25, 2014 | tnewell | 760 views
Midget Blue Gate Schedule
The following is the gate schedule. 

Edited Oct. 30.

Oct.   5,     7:10pm vs Mt. Brydges Gold    Burgess
Oct. 26,     7:10pm vs Lucan                     Burgess
Nov.  9,     7:10pm vs Mt. Brydges Gold     Kuindersma 
Nov. 30,     8:30pm vs Point Edward          Moddle
Dec.  7,     7:10pm vs Lambton Shores      Wilson
Dec. 14,     7:10pm vs Mt. Brydges Blue    Wright
Jan.   4,     7:10pm vs Strathroy Red         Wyatt
Jan. 11,     7:10pm vs South Huron           Knapman
Jan. 18,     7:10pm vs East Lambton          Kuindersma

Please be sure to be set up 1 hour prior to game time.   If you cannot make it arrange prior with another parent to take it.     The team is responsible for the gate.  See the following;

Gate Collections – All teams are to supply their own team cash float and are required to collect a mandatory gate for all their home, exhibition, and OMHA Play-Down and League Playoff games. Gate collection will be monitored throughout the Season and teams will be held accountable for the missed gate. Please ensure that the Team Manager or delegate arrives 1 hour prior to all games. Included in each Coach’s Information Package are gate deposit slips, envelopes, and on the back of the deposit slip a place for the bench staff to sign in. Extra envelopes and deposit slips will be available in the team equipment room. The gate admission price sign is stored in the janitorial closet that is found beside the entrance to the green pad. A complete copy of the Gate Instructions is available on the website under our Policies and Procedures. If you have any question please contact the Gate Administrator.
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