Dodge CARAVAN KIDS' Night with the Strathroy Rockets, News, Novice LL Red, 2013-2014 (Strathroy Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 10, 2013 | Shari Terwilligar | 1402 views
Dodge CARAVAN KIDS' Night with the Strathroy Rockets
All 5 of SDMHA's Dodge Caravan Kids Novice Teams have been invited to be the VIP guests at the Jr. B Strathroy Rockets home game against the St. Thomas Stars on Saturday October 19, 2013 at the West Middlesex Arena to officially launch the 2013-2014 Hockey Season. 

All Novice Teams and their families are to arrive at the main entrance in time for the 6-7 p.m. BBQ CARAVAN TAILGATE PARTY for hot dogs and soft drinks for all Teams and their families. At the BBQ all Caravan Kids will enter their name into a draw for a chance to do the ceremonial puck drop with President Shari and win a puck and signed Strathroy Rockets Hockey Stick!

The BBQ is provided compliments of Corporate Divisional Sponsor Dale Wurfel Chrysler Dodge Jeep. A Donation Jar will be at the BBQ Station with all proceeds split equally between SDMHA and the Strathroy Rockets. Come on out and have fun and see some great hockey, but wait, there's more,

After the BBQ the Dodge Caravan Kids Novice Players and Bench Staff have a 7 p.m. DRESSING ROOM TOUR during the player warm-up. At 7:25 p.m. the Dodge Caravan Kids Novice Players will then line-up for a PRE-GAME HIGH FIVE with the Rockets before they enter onto the ice surface at the start of the game.

Then for the BIG Finale between the 1st and 2nd periods ALL of the Dodge Caravan Kids Novice Players will get into the Dodge vans that will then be driven onto the ice for the CARAVAN ICE WAVE, all the players will have an opportunity to wave to the fans in the stands and to say "THANK YOU" to our hosts for an AWESOME hockey moment! Looking forward to seeing you ALL at the rink on Saturday October 19, 2013 for Dodge CARAVAN KIDS' Night with the Strathroy Rockets!

Yours in Hockey,

Shari Terwilligar

President - SDMHA

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