Jan 07, 2013 | Barb Dean | 455 views
Oshawa Tournament - February 15-17th
Hi team! Great games on the weekend! I'll get some photos up from Sundays game hopefully today.
Our February tournament is just over a month away. Our room block - which all of you should have the information on gets released in 2 days. If you haven't booked your room please use the link I emailed you and get it booked. Rooms were very difficult to come by so the likely hood of finding something else will be SLIM!
Also on Saturday the 16th,
I have arranged to book a Multi-function room at our hotel to have a team dinner. We have to purchase their food, but it is reasonable (and the room itself is free). I will email out a menu shortly to everyone and you can email me back what you want (as a family). (For example a 12", 8 slice pizza is $14.50 plus tax). There are also salads, sides, drinks, chicken fingers/fries, etc that can be ordered. In addition I know of a few special dietary restrictions on our team and have asked the hotel to see if they could come up with any suggestions for those. If you have any restrictions/requirements that you would like me to ask about, I'd be happy to talk to the catering department at the hotel about that. As for payment on that meal, I have to pay the catering bill but I will separate out the family bills for each of you and you will have to pay me directly (as paying individually to the hotel or your room was not an option).
Hopefully we will have a schedule soon and I'll work on directions/maps as well so everyone is well prepared! Don't forget all your swim gear!
If any family members or grandparents are wanting to make the trek to Oshawa with us, there are still a couple additional rooms left in our room block that they are welcome to reserve on either both or one night. You can use the email I sent out previously for user name/password to book (but again this room block disappears in a couple days).
Should you have any questions please feel free to email me!
:) Barb