A Few Points, News, Tyke White, 2012-2013 (Strathroy Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2012-2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 21, 2013 | rmasterman | 885 views
A Few Points
Just wanted to share a few points with you, folks.  If you could click on the article to read it, we'd really appreciate it.  Thanks!


Hey Parents,
    I just wanted to start out by saying what a great game we played yesterday, all of us coaches are very happy to see how far each of your kids have come already this year!  We've seen major improvements from all of them, and they should all be really proud of themselves.
    We'd also like to take this opportunity to welcome a new player to Tyke White, Ethan Aguiar.  Our scouts told us about his play in the MHL, and we jumped on the opportunity to get him signed!  Great game yesterday, Ethan!  Welcome to the squad, and we're looking forward to your efforts in a great season!
    Lastly, I just wanted to ask that all of you think of us when you're not able to make it out.  I know we all have busy lives, and hockey isn't everything (the board makes me write that).  As much as we love having a full team out there for practice and games, we also understand sometimes we're not feeling 100% or have other commitments that come first.  In any case where you know your Rocket won't be able to make it out, please do your best to contact one of the coaches and let us know so we can make the proper adjustments.  In addition to that, if there's ever a case where you're just not able to logistically get your child to the game or practice, please get in touch with us and we'll make sure we get them there and home safely!  The more time we can get your Rockets on the ice, the better they'll develop and the more they'll love this game! 

Thanks everyone,
Ryan Masterman
President & GM, Hockey Operations
Strathroy Tyke White
T:  (519) 318-5654
E:  [email protected]
Burger King - Strathroy
(519) 245-7459