What are Prep Phase skates?
An opportunity for players to maintain conditioning, leading up to tryouts, throughout April.
Who can register?
Any player currently rostered with SDMHA and who wants to attend A/B tryouts in May for 2025-26 U10-U16 Divisions (2016-2010 birth year).
How many sessions? 4 x 50 Min skates April 1st to April 27th.
U10A/U11B - Birth Year 2016
Tues April 1, 5 - 6 pm Gemini Blue
Thurs April 10, 5 - 6 pm WMMC
Sun April 13, 9 - 10 am Gemini Green
Sun April 27, 9 - 10 am Gemini Green
U11A/B - Birth Year 2015
Tues April 1, 5:15 - 6:15 pm Gemini Green
Thurs April 10, 6 - 7 pm WMMC
Sun April 13, 10 - 11 am Gemini Green
Sun April 27, 10 - 11 am Gemini Green
U12A/U13B - Birth Year 2014
Tues April 1, 6 - 7 pm Gemini Blue
Fri April 11, 5 - 6 pm WMMC
Sun April 13, 11 - 12 pm Gemini Green
Sun April 27, 11 - 12 pm Gemini Green
U13A/B - Birth Year 2013
Tues April 1, 6:15 - 7:15 pm Gemini Green
Fri April 11, 6 - 7 pm WMMC
Sun April 13, 12 - 1 pm Gemini Green
Sun April 27 12 - 1 pm Gemini Green
U14A/U15B - Birth Year 2012
Tues April 1, 7 - 8 pm Gemini Blue
Fri April 11, 7 - 8 pm WMMC
Sun April 13, 1 - 2 pm Gemini Green
Sun April 27, 1 - 2 pm Gemini Green
U15A/B - Birth Year 2011
Tues April 1, 7:15 - 8:15 pm Gemini Green
Thurs April 10, 8 - 9 pm WMMC 8 - 9 pm
Sun April 13, 2 - 3 pm Gemini Green
Sun April 27, 2 - 3 pm Gemini Green
U16A - Birth Year 2010
Tues April 1, 9:30 - 10:30 pm Gemini Blue
Thurs April 10, 9 - 10 pm WMMC
Sun April 13, 5 - 6 pm Gemini Green
Sun April 27, 3 - 4 pm Gemini Green
How do I register?
Follow the link below to access the registration store on Spordle. Then, follow the steps as you normally would to register. Please register your player according to their birth year.
Need Support? Reach out to
[email protected]